Thursday, June 26, 2008

Genie: Adding a Create New Supplier link to the Edit Serial Record screen

You can add a link to the Edit Serial Record screen to create a new Supplier if the one you want to specify does not appear in the drop-down list.

Edit MyEditScreens.config, locate the serials_edit screen, and change the SerSuppID line to look something like the following.

<Field Name="SerSuppID" Type="DropDownList" CssClass="serials_edit_textinput" Width="50%" Display="Supplier   &lt;a href=&quot;/inmagicgenie/supplier_edit.aspx&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; style=&quot;font-weight: normal&quot; &gt;[Create New Supplier]&lt;/a&gt;"></Field>

Note that the spaces after "Supplier" shown above are non-breaking spaces (Alt+0160). Multiple normal spaces are displayed as a single space in HTML output.

After creating the new supplier, users have to manually close the pop-up browser window, then use the browser's Refresh button to refresh the main page so the new Supplier is added to the drop-down list. They must Save before clicking the [Create New Supplier] link or before using Refresh. Otherwise, any other changes they've made to other fields on the page will be lost.

Similar changes could be made to add a Create New Supplier link to the Edit Order or Set Up Serial Arrival Pattern screens.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Genie: changing the font for Search Tips

To change the font for the text in the Search Tips box on Genie Search Screens, create a MyGenie.CSS file in the same folder as the Genie.CSS file, and copy the following two styles into it.

.sidemenutxt {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Tahoma; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: Normal; color: #686868; line-height:14px;}

.sidemenuhead2 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Tahoma; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: Bold; color: #8a8a8a; line-height:14px;}

The first style affects the "Search Tips" text, the second the rest of the paragraphs in the box.

Modify the font-family, etc., in each style as desired.

Note: Depending on the changes you make, you may also want either to modify MyQueries.config to add a <SearchTips> tag to hide the Help link (ShowHelpLink="false"), or also copy the following style to MyGenie.css, and change the font family and size to match what you set for "sidemenutxt". The "a:link" style is more generally used, and will affect other links, e.g., About Genie on the menu.

a:link {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Tahoma; font-size: 8pt; color: #0066CC;}

Thursday, June 19, 2008

TextWorks 9.0 and older: Maintain Thesaurus displays "Unable to access the thesaurus"

For DB/TextWorks and CS/TextWorks 9.0 and earlier...

On systems where Internet Explorer 7.0 has been installed, choosing Maintain>Maintain Thesaurus from the Textworks menu will display:

Unable to access the thesaurus.

The recommended fix for this issue is to upgrade to TextWorks 10.0 or later, then run Setup Workstation from each workstation that has IE 7.0 installed. This process will create the necessary registry key on the workstation, so this message doesn't appear, and Maintain Thesaurus works properly.

If upgrading is impractical for some reason, the following registry key needs to be created manually. (Replace dbtext32.exe with inmcsrv.exe for Content Server systems.)

Internet Explorer

Friday, June 13, 2008

Genie: making the "Check for reserves" link more obvious

On the Check Items In page in Genie, you can make the link to check reserves more obvious, if you like. For example, to change the link color to be red, instead of the default blue, you can modify the loans_checkin screen in MyEditScreens.config, to change this:

<Field Display="Check for reserves against item(s) checked in." Style="font-weight: normal">%%CheckForReserve</Field>

To this:

<Field Display="Check for reserves against item(s) checked in." Style="color: red;font-weight: normal">%%CheckForReserve</Field>

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Genie: Advanced vs. Simple search screens in OPAC

Another example of using the Heading= option:

Some sites would prefer not to have a drop-down list of search screens on their OPAC search screen. Instead they want a link to their advanced search screen.

To do this, modify MyQueries.config as follows:

  1. To remove the drop-down list showing the search screens, edit the following section to comment out the opac_search screen, as shown below

    <!-- ** Note: Use special TextbaseName="Opac" to specify the screens listed in the opac.aspx -->
    <inmg:QueryScreens TextbaseName="Opac">
    <inmg:QueryScreen Name="simple_opac_search"></inmg:QueryScreen>
    <!-- <inmg:QueryScreen Name="opac_search"></inmg:QueryScreen> -->

  2. To add the link to the advanced search screen, add the Heading= parameter to the first line of the simple_opac_search screen as follows.

    <inmg:QueryScreen Name="simple_opac_search" Title="Simple Catalog Search" BrowseButtonText=" Browse " BooleanAnd="AND" BooleanOr="OR" BooleanNot="NOT" Heading="Catalog&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;/InmagicGenie/opac.aspx?QueryScreen=opac_search&quot;&gt;Advanced Search&lt;/a&gt;">

  3. Make the corresponding change to the opac_search screen to add a link back to the simple search screen.

Genie: adding Reserves to the Loans section of the Genie menu

Here's another use for Genie canned queries. You can add a search for the active Reserves to the Loans section of the Genie menu.

For example, in MyNavbarMenuData.config, add the following <Item> tag immediately below the <Item> tag for Loan_Renewal.

<Item Id="Loan_Reserves" Look-LeftIconUrl="your-picture-here.gif" Text="Find Reserves" NavigateURL="reserves_report.aspx?AC=QBE_QUERY&amp;QY=find+ResStatus%3dactive&amp;Type=Statistics&amp;TextbaseName=Reserves"
permission="Administrators Catalogers Staff"></Item>

Note that since .CONFIG files are XML files, the ampersands (&) must be encoded (&amp;). And the equal sign (=) is also encoded (%3d).

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Genie: changing the text of messages not configurable elsewhere

Note: This article was amended on July 31, 2008, to reflect the fact that the GlobalResource.en-US.RESX file is used automatically.

In Genie, if you want to change the text of a message or other text string that is not configurable elsewhere (one of the .CONFIG files), follow the procedure below.

Important! Do not modify the original GlobalResource.RESX file. This file is likely to be replaced during upgrade and service pack installs.

  1. Create a new empty file in the same folder as GlobalResource.RESX (App_GlobalResources) that uses the name GlobalResource.en-US.RESX.

  2. Copy from the GlobalResource.RESX file to the new .RESX file:
    • The header information: Everything from the top of the file to just before the first <data> tag.
    • Only those <data> tags containing messages that you want to be different than the original message.
    • The </root> tag from the bottom of the file.

Genie will use this new GlobalResource.en-US.RESX file automatically once it exists.

If you have multiple groups of users who need different sets of messages (for example, if you have a multi-lingual site), follow these steps.

  1. Create multiple .RESX files following the steps above, each with a different locale name (the string before .RESX in the file name). The locale name specified doesn't matter, except that it must be a real locale. The locale you specify in the .RESX file name will not have any other impact on Genie.
  2. When creating the URLs for these groups to use include the Language= parameter. For example:



Note: Specifying the Language= in the URL will suppress the language drop-down list on the Catalog Search page by default.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Genie: adding A-Z links at the top of a Search Screen

Further to my previous post about Genie canned queries...

You can use the Heading= parameter in MyQueries.config to add canned queries for specific searches at the top of a Genie search screen.

For example, the Heading= parameter in the code below will add links like the following to the top of the Simple Catalog Search page. (Links for the rest of the alphabet are an exercise for the user.)

Inmagic Genie: Catalog

Title starts with: A B C D E F-G

<inmg:queryscreen name="simple_catalog_search" Heading="Catalog&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title starts
with:&lt;/b&gt; &lt;a
href="/InmagicGenie/catalog_report.aspx?AC=QBE_QUERY&QY=find+CatTitle=a*&TN=catalog&ReportName=CatalogBrief">A</a> <a
href="/InmagicGenie/catalog_report.aspx?AC=QBE_QUERY&QY=find+CatTitle=b*&TN=catalog&ReportName=CatalogBrief">B</a> <a
href="/InmagicGenie/catalog_report.aspx?AC=QBE_QUERY&QY=find+CatTitle=c*&TN=catalog&ReportName=CatalogBrief">C</a> <a
href="/InmagicGenie/catalog_report.aspx?AC=QBE_QUERY&QY=find+CatTitle=d*&TN=catalog&ReportName=CatalogBrief">D</a> <a
href="/InmagicGenie/catalog_report.aspx?AC=QBE_QUERY&QY=find+CatTitle=e*&TN=catalog&ReportName=CatalogBrief">E</a> <a
Title="Simple Catalog Search" BrowseButtonText=" Browse "
BooleanAnd="AND" BooleanOr="OR" BooleanNot="NOT">