Thursday, June 5, 2008

Genie: adding A-Z links at the top of a Search Screen

Further to my previous post about Genie canned queries...

You can use the Heading= parameter in MyQueries.config to add canned queries for specific searches at the top of a Genie search screen.

For example, the Heading= parameter in the code below will add links like the following to the top of the Simple Catalog Search page. (Links for the rest of the alphabet are an exercise for the user.)

Inmagic Genie: Catalog

Title starts with: A B C D E F-G

<inmg:queryscreen name="simple_catalog_search" Heading="Catalog&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title starts
with:&lt;/b&gt; &lt;a
href="/InmagicGenie/catalog_report.aspx?AC=QBE_QUERY&QY=find+CatTitle=a*&TN=catalog&ReportName=CatalogBrief">A</a> <a
href="/InmagicGenie/catalog_report.aspx?AC=QBE_QUERY&QY=find+CatTitle=b*&TN=catalog&ReportName=CatalogBrief">B</a> <a
href="/InmagicGenie/catalog_report.aspx?AC=QBE_QUERY&QY=find+CatTitle=c*&TN=catalog&ReportName=CatalogBrief">C</a> <a
href="/InmagicGenie/catalog_report.aspx?AC=QBE_QUERY&QY=find+CatTitle=d*&TN=catalog&ReportName=CatalogBrief">D</a> <a
href="/InmagicGenie/catalog_report.aspx?AC=QBE_QUERY&QY=find+CatTitle=e*&TN=catalog&ReportName=CatalogBrief">E</a> <a
Title="Simple Catalog Search" BrowseButtonText=" Browse "
BooleanAnd="AND" BooleanOr="OR" BooleanNot="NOT">

1 comment:

Norma Tovey said...

Excellent - and this can be applied in all sorts of other ways too. Thanks Lisa