Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Genie: adding Reserves to the Loans section of the Genie menu

Here's another use for Genie canned queries. You can add a search for the active Reserves to the Loans section of the Genie menu.

For example, in MyNavbarMenuData.config, add the following <Item> tag immediately below the <Item> tag for Loan_Renewal.

<Item Id="Loan_Reserves" Look-LeftIconUrl="your-picture-here.gif" Text="Find Reserves" NavigateURL="reserves_report.aspx?AC=QBE_QUERY&amp;QY=find+ResStatus%3dactive&amp;Type=Statistics&amp;TextbaseName=Reserves"
permission="Administrators Catalogers Staff"></Item>

Note that since .CONFIG files are XML files, the ampersands (&) must be encoded (&amp;). And the equal sign (=) is also encoded (%3d).

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