Thursday, June 26, 2008

Genie: Adding a Create New Supplier link to the Edit Serial Record screen

You can add a link to the Edit Serial Record screen to create a new Supplier if the one you want to specify does not appear in the drop-down list.

Edit MyEditScreens.config, locate the serials_edit screen, and change the SerSuppID line to look something like the following.

<Field Name="SerSuppID" Type="DropDownList" CssClass="serials_edit_textinput" Width="50%" Display="Supplier   &lt;a href=&quot;/inmagicgenie/supplier_edit.aspx&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; style=&quot;font-weight: normal&quot; &gt;[Create New Supplier]&lt;/a&gt;"></Field>

Note that the spaces after "Supplier" shown above are non-breaking spaces (Alt+0160). Multiple normal spaces are displayed as a single space in HTML output.

After creating the new supplier, users have to manually close the pop-up browser window, then use the browser's Refresh button to refresh the main page so the new Supplier is added to the drop-down list. They must Save before clicking the [Create New Supplier] link or before using Refresh. Otherwise, any other changes they've made to other fields on the page will be lost.

Similar changes could be made to add a Create New Supplier link to the Edit Order or Set Up Serial Arrival Pattern screens.

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